10 resolutions for 2020

Hey there, I’m back!

After what seemed like the fastest-moving Christmas period to date, I’m back with more motherhood inspired content at katescradle. I had hoped to start the new year off with a flashy new re-brand and a commitment to being more regular over here but as we all know, time is what you make of it…and I have recently been spending mine in other ways (mainly running after my sprightly toddler, spending way too much time in the kitchen and trying to keep my fitness regime up – at times doing all three at once).

Nevertheless, here’s my first post for 2020. I know that there are many who don’t partake in the ‘new year, new resolutions’ ideal but I personally have always liked it. I guess the root of this is that I celebrate my birthday on New Year’s Eve and have always enjoyed setting goals for myself as I turned a year older. And who doesn’t enjoy a metaphorical clean slate anyway?

This year my resolutions are both internal (between myself and I) as well as external (between the world and I) and they toe the line between minimal and substantial effort.

I truly believe that my perfect recipe for sticking to a goal is setting it high enough for it to require some effort, but not too high that the thought of it makes me spiral into procrastination mode (although knowing when to give myself some grace or a stern talking to is a skill I have recently acquired).

So here they are, my 10 resolutions for 2020.

  1. Be an eco-mum. No more excuses. I can make my own smoothies and use reusable pouches. I can cut down on all the wet-wipes. I can make and eat vegetarian meals that the whole family will love (even my mega-carnivore husband).
  2. Distinguish between ‘basic care’ and ‘self-care’. They’re two different things. There might be some days where brushing my teeth or peeing in peace are huge victories that make me feel on top of the world. But I’ll make this the exception, not the rule. This year I’m going to find ways to invest in myself, because I know my family will be better off for it.
  3. Be a thrifty mum. I like shopping, I really do. But this resolution ties in with #1 on the list. Lots of shopping generally means lots of waste. Here’s to 2020, the year I buy less, reuse more and be mindful of the way I spend.
  4. Leave the comparisons at the door. It does us no good to compare ourselves or our children to others. I will no longer look at the world to determine the yardstick against which I measure myself or my child.
  5. No judgement. Live and love kindly. Everyone has their own way of doing things, but this year I want to continue learning when and how to share those opinions. I believe this is a skill that everyone needs to practice; so let’s all try to roll our eyes less and act out of kindness more.
  6. Drink all the water. Lack of hydration will catch up to me eventually.
  7. Make health a priority (but not an obsession). I will enjoy my home-cooked nutritious meals and short workouts. I will not allow myself to panic at the prospect of eating at a friend’s house or missing a workout.
  8. Prioritising is key. I’ve done this before, but since priorities are always shifting it’s always a goal I enjoy taking into the new year. Re-evaluating what is important and necessary at this stage in life and starting from there. (Remember, what is important to you might not seem important to your partner/friends/family…it’s OK. Take time to explain why you feel the way you do.)
  9. Move from disappointment to compassion. It’s time to let go of those past hurts. Focusing on disappointment won’t get me anywhere. There’s always another side to every story – even when I might not understand it – and being compassionate helps us see that.
  10. Silver linings & rainbows. 2020 is the year I focus on being more positive. Positive parenting, positive home-making, positive relationship building.

So there you have it. A list of 10 resolutions that I hope to work on during this new year. I would have written 20 (you know, for the poetic factor…20 in 2020), but if I had time to write 20 I’d probably have chosen to cross a million other things off my never-ending to-do list instead. There, I’ve already started with #8 on the list!

Until next time.


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